Family Ministry

We care deeply for children and how they understand and experience God. We believe family ministry is not only about children, but about the well-being and faith development of the entire family. Your family is important to us and we want to journey alongside you through the highs and lows in your family’s life.

As a relatively small congregation, we are able to build deep relationships with our children and tailor our programs to their specific needs. We are accustomed to and love working with children across the spectrum of neurodiversity. We are intentional about creating curriculum that is developmentally appropriate while using art, music, dance, acting, etc to capture the child’s imagination and creativity. We also think intergenerationally and strive to connect our children with the larger church community when appropriate. Above all else, your child will know without a doubt that they are loved by God and valued by God just as they are.

“We visited the Church at Ponce & Highland because it is pro-LGBTQ.
We stayed because of the care our children received.”

– Caylynn & Joe

We offer in-person childcare and Sunday School for children of all ages during the worship service. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Pastor Colleen at

We also hold Family Picnics at a local park so we can safely gather and enjoy God’s creation. We also periodically distribute fun activity packets for families, arrange Zoom or in-person playdates, and offer a constantly updated set of resources for families with ideas for indoor and outdoor activities, educational games, books and shows, and more.


Children learn by observing and imitating adults and that is just how they learn about faith and experiencing God. As parents and adults, we are the “shapers” of children’s faith experience. It is important our children see us worshiping, learning, engaging in community, serving our neighbors, and discovering who God is.

We are excited to have you and your family in our church! For more information or to introduce yourself, email our Pastor to Families with Children, Colleen, at