Rev. Mimi Walker, Pastor, Worship & Pastoral Care, she/her. Mimi envisions the church as a recovery group for human beings. We all show up just as we are and say, “This is me. This is what I’m struggling with.” These are my hopes and dreams. If we trust in the love of God and take this journey together, we just might change the world. Mimi has been a pastor at the Church at Ponce & Highland since 2008, and now as co-pastor preaches, sets the direction of worship, and provides pastoral care leads. She taught seminary in the Philippines 1987-1998 and at McAfee School of Theology 2002-2012, and has pastored in Metro Atlanta churches since 2000. Rev. Walker has a humanities degree from Florida State University, an M.A. in Religious Education from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has done graduate work at the Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary. Email: mimi.walker@dhbc.org.
Rev. Colleen DeGraff Holtz, Pastor, Families & Children, she/her. Colleen believes church is a space for learning, teaching, and experiencing God’s love, regardless of age. She provides lessons, activities, and care to the children and parents of our church and creates opportunities for the children to connect with members of all ages in the church. Colleen believes learning about God and God’s love is a two-way-street as she enjoys teaching children, but also loves learning from them. She loves finding God in nature and creation, especially outdoors and in the joy of being around children and animals. Colleen is also a full-time social worker, serving children in foster care and their foster families as Program Coordinator at Community Connections, Inc. A member of the church staff since 2019, Colleen holds a Master of Divinity from McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University and is pursuing a Master of Social Work from Georgia State University. Email: colleen@dhbc.org.
Rev. Colin Holtz, Pastor, Education & Community Care, he/him. Colin sees church as a place to practice new ways of relating to ourselves, to each other, and to the whole. Jesus frees us to lead lives of love in the midst of anxiety, oppression and overwhelming obligations. An atheist as a teenager, he came to faith as an adult while asking every difficult question out there. He loves liberation theology, Francis of Assisi, Howard Thurman, and the Christian contemplative / mystical tradition. Colin does a little bit of everything, from preaching and leading Bible study and book groups to community care (which includes pastoral care, communications, administration, missions, and more). A member of the pastoral staff since 2019, Colin holds a Master of Divinity from the McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University and is the co-author of Moral Leadership for a Divided Age: 14 Leaders Who Dared to Change Our World. Email: colin.holtz@dhbc.org
Christopher Massie, Director of Music, he/him. Christopher helps select the weekly hymns for services, directs the Church at Ponce & Highland Sanctuary Choir, and organizes services of song for the Advent and Lenten seasons. Christopher believes that music is a direct link to praising in church, instrumental or singing. Music brings everyone involved together in a joyous and meditative way, and helps create an inclusive community. Through song selections from many cultures, respectfully, music can help us understand one another since it bridges a common language amongst all peoples. He is also an elementary music teacher for Fulton County Schools, and an instructor for the Atlanta Young Singers. Christopher is currently working on a Masters of Music with a concentration in education from Georgia State University.
Jim Wright, Managing Director, he/him. Jim is the CFO of the church. He originally got involved with the church as a member in 2004, then came on staff in 2008 to assist in coordinating usage of the building. Jim holds a bachelors degree in psychology and is a certified nonprofit business manager and facilities manager, and now oversees everything from finances to facilities at the church.
Rev. Allen Jones, Community Chaplain, he/him. Allen leads up our mission team and our work with people experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. Email: allen.jones@dhbc.org
Leisa Smith, Accompanist