Radical Inclusivity, Thoughtful Spirituality, Caring Community
Thank you for considering membership in the Church at Ponce & Highland! As a member-led church, members are the people who guide, serve, and support the church. Everyone will be loved at our church, no matter what, but members get to vote and decide on big decisions, from budgets to pastors – they literally run the church!
Have you found something meaningful in this church community, and want to make sure this inclusive, loving church is there for others in the years to come? That’s the main criterion for being a member! Membership in the Church at Ponce at Highland consists of three commitments:
Our church is a community of imperfect people that care for each other and the world. Membership may seem old-fashioned in an era when people move all the time and you can join or follow with the click of a button. But there is something powerful about knowing you belong and will always be cared for.
We’d love to talk with you more and answer your questions! There is more information below and all around our website. If you have questions, you can email one of the co-pastors!
Rev. Mimi Walker, Co-Pastor, mimi.walker@dhbc.org
Rev. Colin Holtz, Co-Pastor, colin.holtz@dhbc.org
Rev. Colleen DeGraff Holtz, Co-Pastor, colleen@dhbc.org
We are a congregation open to all persons who are seeking to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who desire to pattern their lives after the life and teachings of Jesus. Recognizing that we are all “one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) we affirm our equality in the family of God and in this congregation regardless of social status, education, race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental ability, physical ability, position, or any other distinction.
We believe that we have been created by God to live in community and led by the Spirit to join with this congregation. Together we affirm, practice and celebrate these historic Baptist principles, including:
As a member of this fellowship, I will seek to live out the following commitments:
Many members merely want to make a commitment to belong to a community. If you would also like to get more involved, there are a number of ways to do so:
Teams provide opportunities to participate in the life of the congregation. Anyone is welcome to join these teams at any time, and one may serve on multiple teams and/or if they are on a standing committee.
If you would like to volunteer for a team please email Pastor Colin at colin.holtz@dhbc.org.
The Hospitality Team: Create community! You will help carry out the monthly community time potlucks and special parties. The team plans, organizes, helps set-up, decorate, and clean after events, purchases food paid for with the hospitality budget, and sometimes bring dishes of their own. There is a group email and group text thread. Team members rotate taking the lead on responding to offers to help at each event.
The Welcome Team: Create a warm environment for visitors! A new experiment for 2025, the welcome team will focus on intentionally welcoming people into our church community, mostly on Sunday mornings. Pastor Colin will organize a group text of team members to coordinate and make sure every worship visitor is welcomed (if they stick around long enough to say hi). The team will also be invited to share ideas for the website or to assist in outreach events like Pride, the pet blessing, etc.
The Children’s Ministry Team: Care for our kiddos! You will assist Pastor Colleen with the care and enrichment of our children. Members of the team will be occasionally called upon to assist upstairs if we do not have nursery workers, or to plan and carry out fun activities alongside Colleen.
Local and Global Missions Team: Help make God’s dream for the world a reality! Volunteer to serve our local people experiencing homelessness, primarily through providing dishes for, or helping serving at, the weekly Mercy meal. You can also help the Mayan Intercultural Seminary in Chiapas, Mexico educate, connect and protect indigenous communities, and support the growth of cooperative businesses in Chiapas and here in Atlanta.
Choir: Make beautiful music! Love to sing or play music? Join the choir, participate in choral concerts, or find other ways to bring your gifts to the church.
In the Baptist tradition, the church is autonomous and not subject to any denomination, pastor, or outside authority. Committees handle church business. Committee terms are for 3 years, and committee members must be church members.
There are three standing committees:
The Finance Committee monitors our books and investments, including our bookkeepers and investment advisors. Finance proposes a budget to the congregation each year, based on recommendations from trustees, personnel, and teams.
The Personnel Committee oversees the church staff on behalf of the congregation. Barring unforeseen events, personnel mostly meets in the spring to review staff roles and make recommendations to finance for the upcoming budget year.
The Trustees are responsible for decisions related to the maintenance, repair and general operation of the church building and related properties, such as the parking lot, grounds, and vehicles. The Trustees also function as the official legal representatives of the church, with the Chair of the Trustees as the designated signatory for legal documents and contracts.
Deacons at The Church at Ponce & Highland partner with the pastors and church ministry team to perform the pastoral ministry work of the church. Election and ordination as a deacon is not just an “honor,” but a call from God. Just as the pastor and other ministers are called by and are accountable to the church, so too are the deacons.
To serve effectively in the ministry work of C@P&H, deacons should be persons who demonstrate the following:
Acts 6:1-7 is a Biblical text that describes the origin and purpose of the office of deacon. In the fall of each year, the church body is asked to participate in the deacon nominating process by suggesting names of individuals believed to be good candidates for service as deacons.
This list of expectations should prove helpful for individuals considering answering the call to service as a deacon.